Alternative Therapy Spotlight: Healing with Nature
Published on Sep 28, 2022

Laura Root is a clinical social worker and therapist in the Treasure Valley at Heart and Mind Counseling. We love to highlight alternative methods of therapy. Laura talks below about how nature can help our mental and physical health.

Spending time in nature helps us connect with ourselves on a more profound level than just about anything else. Nature is a tonic for emotional and physical well-being.

Studies suggest that being in nature can reduce blood pressure and decrease stress hormones. There is evidence that when we are exposed to nature scenes, the parts of our brains that are linked with empathy and love light up.

It is no wonder that when we are in nature we can heal emotionally and feel an increase in pleasant emotions. Being in nature allows us to have more capacity to enjoy the little moments in our lives.

Having lived in Boise almost my entire adult life, I have been able to enjoy mother nature at her finest. Walking along the greenbelt on a regular basis, seeing the trees, flowers, and wildlife has brought true joy into my life. Filing my senses with the feel and sound of the wind, the smell of fresh air and the natural beauty around me provides an anchor in my journey of well-being.

Fall is finally here, and before you know it winter will be here, too. The colors will change but the healing benefits will remain the same.

Enjoying the many benefits of spending time in nature is never out of season. Here are some ideas to get out into nature and use Mother Nature for healing:

  • Stroll through a park. Boise has many parks to enjoy with walking paths and beautiful scenery.
  • Walk along the life-giving waters of the Boise River.
  • Hike in the foothills.
  • Paddle in Lucky Peak.
  • When the snow falls, dust off the snowshoes and skis and head to one of the beautiful ski and winter recreation areas we have close to us.

Whatever the weather, whatever the season, get out into nature. Your mind and your heart will thank you.